Ja-Mar North RV Resort
The weather at Ja-Mar RV resorts is mostly sunny. In the winter you can expect temperatures in the 70’s during the daytime hours and cooling down in the evenings. The summer temperatures range between 80-95 degrees with evening sunsets around 75.
The lifestyle while staying at Ja-Mar is so affordable too. Our park rates are affordable for both seasonal and vacationing guests. Shopping, dining and even the entertainment outside the park are very attractive to those of you on a budget. With places like Wal-Mart, the local dollar store and even one of the largest flea markets are just a few minutes away. And for the active traveler, Port Richey and the surrounding area, has lavish golf courses, the Showboat Theater with their own live entertainment, and deep sea fishing.
Everything is so close to Ja-Mar that most our residents don't use more that a tank of gas a month. The west coast of Florida has so much to offer and our guests and residents take advantage of the parks location, never missing an opportunity to go out and enjoy the sights and they always appreciate coming home to their special spot here at Ja-Mar RV Resorts.
However, the best things about our parks are the people here. That is the truth and a great testament to our residents. The people that come every year to spend a winter with us at Ja-Mar become our Ja-Mar family. And the parties and activities that are always going help you to get involved and establish friendships immediately. You can be as busy as you want or just as relaxed too!